Translations available for immediate delivery

The following translations (non-official English version) are samples of our translation work.

Mexican foreign trade issues regarding oil
Concise information on relevant customs issues to import/export oil products into and from Mexico.
Mexico oil foreign trade issues.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat [650.7 KB]
Interchangeability tests for generic drug products in Mexico
Official regulation issued by Mexico's Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks that defines the type of tests to be conducted to demonstrate the interchangeability of generic drug products.
Interchangeability tests for generic dru[...]
Documento Adobe Acrobat [1.5 MB]
CNH's ADY-1 Form: Notice of Reservoir Discovery
Formato aviso descubrimiento yacimiento [...]
Documento Microsoft Word [42.9 KB]
CNH's APT-1 Form: Well Authorization Application
Formato solicitud autorización pozos APT[...]
Documento Microsoft Word [35.5 KB]
CNH's APT-2 Form: Well Authorization Amendment Application
Formato solicitud modificación autorizac[...]
Documento Microsoft Word [35.4 KB]
CNH's APT-N1 Form: Quarterly and Commencement of Activities Notice
Formato aviso trimestral e inicio activi[...]
Documento Microsoft Word [36.7 KB]
CNH's APT-N2 Form: Well Drilling Reports, Notices and Notifications
Formato avisos notificaciones informes perforación pozos APT-N2_EN_REV
Formato avisos notificaciones informes p[...]
Documento Microsoft Word [37.1 KB]
CHN's RAP-1 Form: Well Administrative Recording Application
Formato solicitud registro administrativ[...]
Documento Microsoft Word [37.8 KB]
CNH's IDC 1 Form: Performance Indicators and Compliance Well Drilling Guidelines
Formato informe indicadores desempeño cu[...]
Documento Microsoft Word [39.4 KB]
Mexican Official Standard NOM-008-SCFI-2002, General System of Measurement Units.
Documento Adobe Acrobat [1'006.8 KB]

The following translations are some of the projects we have successfully carried out and are available for immediate delivery. Contact Ms. Erica Lopez ( to get a quote or more information about our services.


  • Well drilling guidelines (as published in Mexico's Federal Official Gazette on 10-14-2016) / Lineamientos de perforación de pozos
  • National Hydrocarbons Commission's Guidelines governing the procedure for submission, approval, and monitoring of compliance with exploration and development plans for extraction of hydrocarbons, as well as their amendments / Lineamientos de la Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos que regulan el procedimiento para la presentación, aprobación y supervisión del cumplimiento de los planes de exploración y desarrollo para la extracción de hidrocarburos, así como sus modificaciones.
  • NOM-003-SCT-2008 (Characteristics of vessels' and packings', intended to transport hazardous substances, materials and wastes, labels / Características de las etiquetas de envases y embalajes, destinadas al transporte de substancias, materiales y residuos peligrosos)
  • NOM-004-SCT-2008 (Identification systems for units intended to transport hazardous substances, materials and wastes / Sistemas de identificación de unidades destinadas al transporte de substancias, materiales y residuos peligrosos)
  • NOM-006-SCT2-2011 (Basic aspects for the daily visual inspection of units intended for hazardous materials and wastes motor carrier transportation / Aspectos básicos para la revisión ocular diaria de la unidad destinada al autotransporte de materiales y residuos peligrosos)
  • NOM-006-STPS-2014 (Materials handling and storage-Work safety and health conditions / Manejo y almacenamiento de materiales-Condiciones de seguridad y salud en el trabajo)
  • NOM-007-SCT-2-2010-1 (Characteristics of vessels and packings intended for hazardous substances and wastes transportation / Marcado de envases y embalajes destinados al transporte de substancias y residuos peligrosos)
  • NOM-008-SCFI-2002 (General System of Measurement Units / Sistema General de Unidades de Medida)
  • NOM-009-STPS-2011 (Safety conditions for high-rise works / Condiciones de seguridad para realizar trabajos en altura)
  • NOM-059-SSA1-2015 (Good Manufacturing Practices for drug products / Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación de medicamentos)
  • NOM-073-SSA1-2015 (Drug substances', drug products', and herbal medicines' stability / Estabilidad de fármacos y medicamentos, así como de remedios herbolarios)
  • NOM-164-SSA1-2015 (Good Manufacturing Practices for drug substances / Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación de fármacos)
  • NOM-220-SSA1-2016 (Drug safety monitoring setting up and operation / Instalación y operación de la farmacovigilancia)
  • NOM-002-SEMARNAT-1996 (Maximum permissible limits of pollutants in wastewater discharges into urban or municipal sewage systems / Límites máximos permisibles de contaminantes en las descargas de aguas residuales a los sistemas de alcantarillado urbano o municipal)
  • Regulations of the Law of Public Works and Related Services / Reglamento de la Ley de Obras Públicas y Servicios Relacionados con las Mismas

Why use professional translation services

When your business is expanding internationally, and though you are proficient in English, Spanish or the language you use to communicate with your business partners, these are some reasons why using professional translation services makes sense financially and creates value for your firm:


1. You benefit from the expertise of trained translators, whether it is using term bases, CAT tools, editing, while you devote your time to more valuable activities in your firm.


2. Using professional translators specialized in your field, you'll be sure that they understand your business/industry and your needs.


3. Your information is kept confidential. Before using a professional translator you get them to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, whereas if you use online translation tools you give them the right to use, publish and distribute your information, which might contain business sensitive data. For instance,


4. Professional translators are quick and have access to professional tools, whether specialized software, dictionaries, professional networks, and so on.



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