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Servicios Lingüísticos Metáfrasi, S.A.S. de C.V.
Contacto: Ms. Erica López

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Why use professional translation services

When your business is expanding internationally, and though you are proficient in English, Spanish or the language you use to communicate with your business partners, these are some reasons why using professional translation services makes sense financially and creates value for your firm:


1. You benefit from the expertise of trained translators, whether it is using term bases, CAT tools, editing, while you devote your time to more valuable activities in your firm.


2. Using professional translators specialized in your field, you'll be sure that they understand your business/industry and your needs.


3. Your information is kept confidential. Before using a professional translator you get them to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, whereas if you use online translation tools you give them the right to use, publish and distribute your information, which might contain business sensitive data. For instance,


4. Professional translators are quick and have access to professional tools, whether specialized software, dictionaries, professional networks, and so on.



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