Getting your message across Latin America

Servicios Lingüísticos Metáfrasi, S.A.S. de C.V., is a Mexico City-based translation and interpretation agency that provides translation and interpretation services to foreign companies doing business in Latin America. We also work for Latin American companies that need translation and interpretation services to communicate with their business partners located in regions outside Latin America.


Our customers include companies in sectors ranging from life sciences (pharmaceuticals) to energy (renewables, oil and gas). We provide tailor-made solutions to meet your specific translation and interpretation needs. Contact us and tell us about them (Ms. Erica Lopez,

Our team

Our team consists of people who have majored in translation/interpretation, business, accounting, engineering and life sciences and who have worked previously in their areas of expertise. We have hand-picked them with the aim to meet the needs of our customers.


As part of our recruiting process, we make sure that they are not only proficient in translating and/or interpreting, but also that they know and have experience using the specialized vocabulary that is relevant for the sectors where our customers operate. 


Our team of translators has experience translating documents such as:


  • Articles of incorporation, powers of attorney, contracts.
  • Mexican Laws that govern the medical, pharmaceutical, oil and gas exploration and extraction, and renewable energy sectors.
  • Free sales certificates, clinical protocols and studies.
  • Social and environmental impact assessments: oil, gas, renewables, industry.
  • Websites.
  • Manuals for financial institutions covering money-laundering, risk management, anti-terrorism measures



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